So while WT was offline I did manage some more work on the bridge. This is probably becoming more like death by a 100 boring samey bridge photos with only minor changes in appearance now we're on the detail stage. I'll therefore not go too mad for a while posting updates during this phase.
In the meantime a few from the weekend...
Girder bridge abutments getting stoned. Filler is for the joints and some particularly dislikeable shaped lumps. Well I don't like them anyway, but that's from using many many of these sheets.

Stonework nearing completion on the rear.
An usual view.
The more usual view, embankment built up too.
And a sketchette of how I see the area developing. The polystyrene will be trimmed back a little.
I've nicked / used for inspiration the wall and bridge goings on at the western end of Launceston station. I was pondering over how to do the detail of this corner and, as ever, prototype locations give the best answers.