The hello thread
The thing with O scale is that it's still very much a "Modeller's" scale; i.e. not that much is available straight out of a box (especially compared to OO) so there's much more emphasis on (and enjoyment to be had) building stuff yourself. Even my collection of US locos, which are available R-T-R (at prices that make the lads here
weep with jealousy

) have still needed working on- re-painting in most cases to my preferred Railroad, and detailing to reflect their prototypes; actually getting to run trains is therefore naturally only
part of the fun, whereas in the smaller scales, because a lot of "modelling" begins and ends with opening the box and putting the model on the track, "operation" is all that's left... so people think they need big layouts and complicated trackplans to hold their interest, which, to an extent,I suppose they do.
Whilst I'm the first to admit that my small O scale layouts might not have the same appeal as a garden Empire, what looks like a ridiculously simple set-up, which might be derided in OO or N, is quite satisfying to shunt for an hour or more, as especially with 3-link couplings you have more to do than just turn a control knob. Because of the size and presence of O scale, even a little amount can feel like a lot of railway- the buffers clack together, axles squeak as the wagons move (no I don't oil them!!), and the wheels click over track joints. Who needs sound effects?!? (ducks for cover!!) On my layout, even at only 6ft scenic length, you still have to turn your head to follow the train, which may sound silly but it helps to make it feel like the train is going further than it is, since if you stand trackside and watch real trains, you have to turn your head as
they go past, as well. If it was done in OO at 3 or 4ft long, you'd probably be able to take in the whole scene all at once, or just moving your eyes- it doesn't feel like the train has gone anywhere... so don't dismiss "simple" looking trackplans or shunting operations out of hand as looking too simple or boring to operate.