Re: The hello thread

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The hello thread

lancer1027 said:
Hi Mick and welcome to the forum. Dont worry about being an area 51 addict just remember to post lots of pics of your projects and progress :thumbs: We all like pics on here :thumbs:

Rob :wave:
Hi 7mm Mick, welcome aboard!! :wave: Rob ("lancer") can tell you all about addiction to Area 51... he keeps sneaking back in to look at my Dark Side stuff when he thinks no-one's watching... :rolleyes: :p :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Jordan said:
[quote=""lancer1027"":2o1b8dbj]Hi Mick and welcome to the forum. Dont worry about being an area 51 addict just remember to post lots of pics of your projects and progress :thumbs: We all like pics on here :thumbs:

Rob :wave:
Hi 7mm Mick, welcome aboard!! :wave: Rob ("lancer") can tell you all about addiction to Area 51... he keeps sneaking back in to look at my Dark Side stuff when he thinks no-one's watching... :rolleyes: :p :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote:2o1b8dbj]
:lol: :lol: :lol:


The hello thread

Several threads on RMWEB sent me over here so I'll be finding my way round - and off on holiday tomorrow for a few days so won't be around much to start with.

New to O gauge, looking at a 70's/80's rural west country layout, probably more Southern than Western (sorry) and struggling with the apparent lack of trade support (and websites of some of the few!) for those of us not modelling the steam era in O. Have about 14-15ft x 3ft or so which is probably nowhere near enough room for O but it's all I have.

Feeling a little despondant all round having invested about ?800 so far in the O gauge project - and not even laid a length of track yet as I can't settle on my xtrackcad plan to give me what I want in the space I have.

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Welcome aboard, Cromptonnut :wave: :thumbs:
Southern isn't a problem; there's a few Lima 33 projects & conversions knocking around here somewhere!!

As for space, it's not all Garden Empires either (though they are great!)... ever seen O scale in 5ft total length..?
more on this thread:-
and my other huge layout (all 10ft of it, including fiddleyard), Withyn Reach. You might like the Exit view blocker on this one ;) ...

Hopefully we'll cheer you back up on this Forum!! :thumbs:


The hello thread

I think my problem is I'm still in the mentality of OO modelling and trying to fit too much in - but I think I'm getting there.

I found a layout design for "Rivendell" which, although using different points, fits in the space I have and with a little ingenuity I seem to be able to fit a lot of it in plus some scenic space.

I know I won't be running 10 carriage expresses in 14ft - that's for the garden railway (but when you live in an upstairs flat I need a rather large windowbox for that) - but at least would like a little bit of variety rather than just one train shuffling up and down (which will bore the pants off of me and anyone unfortunate enough to see it at an exhibition). I accept some people love shunting - I'm not one of them...


The hello thread

cromptonnut said:
Several threads on RMWEB sent me over here so I'll be finding my way round - and off on holiday tomorrow for a few days so won't be around much to start with.

New to O gauge, looking at a 70's/80's rural west country layout, probably more Southern than Western (sorry) and struggling with the apparent lack of trade support (and websites of some of the few!) for those of us not modelling the steam era in O. Have about 14-15ft x 3ft or so which is probably nowhere near enough room for O but it's all I have.

Feeling a little despondant all round having invested about ?800 so far in the O gauge project - and not even laid a length of track yet as I can't settle on my xtrackcad plan to give me what I want in the space I have.
Hello and welcome :wave:
FWIW there has never been a better time to model 70's/80's in 7mm, but before you do anything else you really need to go to Telford to see what is available, I think you will be pleasantly suprised :D
You are right, that you need to think differently in 7mm and 14ft is more than sufficient to build a layout as long as you are realistic, Jordan shows what you can do in a small space. Dont forget there are a lot of O gauge test tracks up and down the country which are great for seeing your stock run.


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hello folks,

Have wondered over here from RMweb in search of certain 7mm build threads that became "M.I.A." a while back.

Currently in the early stages of my first 7mm build, no prizes for guessing the subject.............yes, the user name is a bit of a give away.
For all you hydraulic fans, sorry but its the later "Temeraire" from a JLTRT kit rather than D851, but you never know.......does anyone make a suitable kit for

So why 50003? Well back in 1990 at the tender age of 16 I managed to blag a cab ride from Waterloo to Exeter St Davids onboard that very loco. Being from East Anglia and more used to 31's, 37's & 47's, the 50's were always kind of a treat and that bit special. Even before the cabride adventure it was a favourite loco as I had an N gauge model of it.

Sorry to say I never saw a hydraulic in service, too young! So the Hoover it is.

So there you have it, I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of daft questions.


Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Temeraire said:
Sorry to say I never saw a hydraulic in service, too young! So the Hoover it is.

Hi Anthony welcome aboard!! :thumbs: :wave:

Nothing wrong with Hoovers IMO... they were the most exciting things at New Street for years after the Hydraulics demise. :cool:
I still can't quite get used to seeing them on Preserved lines these days... :? :rolleyes:

Enjoy the Forum, and remember we love pictures... :D


The hello thread

I wish I had an excuse to run a hoover... growing up near Chard Junction the formulative years of my life were 33's (hence my name) and 50's on a regular basis :) 03 and 014 were my two 'pets', and 046 "Ajax" was the last one I needed to get the set - which I managed from two fields away thanks to large logo livery!

Unfortunately the nearest I'm likely to get to running a hoover with this layout is when I - once again - knock over the pot of ballast or bag of scatter...


The hello thread

28ten said:
[quote=""cromptonnut"":9fmih12b]FWIW there has never been a better time to model 70's/80's in 7mm, but before you do anything else you really need to go to Telford to see what is available, I think you will be pleasantly suprised :D

I might be surprised, but I expect I'd be more surprised at the end of the month when the credit card statement arrives...


Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The hello thread

The thing with O scale is that it's still very much a "Modeller's" scale; i.e. not that much is available straight out of a box (especially compared to OO) so there's much more emphasis on (and enjoyment to be had) building stuff yourself. Even my collection of US locos, which are available R-T-R (at prices that make the lads here weep with jealousy :p ) have still needed working on- re-painting in most cases to my preferred Railroad, and detailing to reflect their prototypes; actually getting to run trains is therefore naturally only part of the fun, whereas in the smaller scales, because a lot of "modelling" begins and ends with opening the box and putting the model on the track, "operation" is all that's left... so people think they need big layouts and complicated trackplans to hold their interest, which, to an extent,I suppose they do.

Whilst I'm the first to admit that my small O scale layouts might not have the same appeal as a garden Empire, what looks like a ridiculously simple set-up, which might be derided in OO or N, is quite satisfying to shunt for an hour or more, as especially with 3-link couplings you have more to do than just turn a control knob. Because of the size and presence of O scale, even a little amount can feel like a lot of railway- the buffers clack together, axles squeak as the wagons move (no I don't oil them!!), and the wheels click over track joints. Who needs sound effects?!? (ducks for cover!!) On my layout, even at only 6ft scenic length, you still have to turn your head to follow the train, which may sound silly but it helps to make it feel like the train is going further than it is, since if you stand trackside and watch real trains, you have to turn your head as they go past, as well. If it was done in OO at 3 or 4ft long, you'd probably be able to take in the whole scene all at once, or just moving your eyes- it doesn't feel like the train has gone anywhere... so don't dismiss "simple" looking trackplans or shunting operations out of hand as looking too simple or boring to operate. ;)


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hi cromptonnut and Anthony,

glad that you have found us.

As has been said, a trip to Telford in September is more than a must, especially as there is the possibility of TWO new models of 33s being available - get in on the ground floor and you can update us with your progress, followed by an article in the Gazette perhaps?




Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Welcome to cromptonnut and Anthony .
Telford is highly recommended :thumbs: sooooo much to see (and buy :eek: :eek: ) plus you can meet up with the rest of this motley crew :cool: :lol:

Hope I've not just put you off :) :)



Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Welcome aboard Cromptonnut & Temeraire :D , I'm sure we would all love to see some pics of your modelling activity's :thumbs:

Phill :wave:

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hi Anthony and Cromptonnut, welcome and I look forward to seeing what you are up to in due course :wave: :wave:


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hello to all the new members, Anthony, Cromptonnut and Clarky (is your surname Clark perchance?)!

Hope you all enjoy the site as much as I have done so far.......

We like lots of questions, chat and pictures, so tell us what you're all up to and keep us informed!

Have fun,
