The hello thread
So this is where a lot of the interesting stuff has ended up - I've been very slow on the uptake but thanks to the advertising on the Guild forum then I'm glad to have found it. It looks a very friendly place.
Some may recognize me from RMweb but I doubt it as I kept (I hope) a fairly low profile, however a quick introduction for those that may be interested, but be warned it's not that scintillating.
My main interest is loco building, my Dad was involved in 7mm so that's what I started with, however I struggled to get things looking right with the 7mmFS so gravitated to Scale7. Although I prefer scratchbuilding, as I can do things the way I want to do them, I am part way through a couple of kits at the moment. At some point I'm trying to build a passing resemblance to Tewkesbury Shed in S7, so I suppose interest is circa 1950's - 1960's steam, sort of based around the West Midlands, although there's quite a few loco's from the other regions that I wouldn't mind having a go at building if I had the time.
Progress is painfully slow at the minute as I volunteered for a few other things - I seem to have ended up developing a couple of websites at the moment, one being an update to the Scale7 website, which has unfortunately limited any modelling time at the minute.
Adrian Cherry