Re: The hello thread

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
The hello thread

Haven't been around for a while, but nice to see some familiar faces have joined up (and some new ones too). So its hello to you lot from me, I'm going to pop off and I attempt to catch up with whats been happening...



Flying Squad
The hello thread

So this is where a lot of the interesting stuff has ended up - I've been very slow on the uptake but thanks to the advertising on the Guild forum then I'm glad to have found it. It looks a very friendly place.

Some may recognize me from RMweb but I doubt it as I kept (I hope) a fairly low profile, however a quick introduction for those that may be interested, but be warned it's not that scintillating.

My main interest is loco building, my Dad was involved in 7mm so that's what I started with, however I struggled to get things looking right with the 7mmFS so gravitated to Scale7. Although I prefer scratchbuilding, as I can do things the way I want to do them, I am part way through a couple of kits at the moment. At some point I'm trying to build a passing resemblance to Tewkesbury Shed in S7, so I suppose interest is circa 1950's - 1960's steam, sort of based around the West Midlands, although there's quite a few loco's from the other regions that I wouldn't mind having a go at building if I had the time.

Progress is painfully slow at the minute as I volunteered for a few other things - I seem to have ended up developing a couple of websites at the moment, one being an update to the Scale7 website, which has unfortunately limited any modelling time at the minute.


Adrian Cherry


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hi all,

Just joined the other night so I thought I'd introduce myself :wave:
As my highly original username says my name's Bob (Brown) and you can blame Simon for getting me here.
I model in 3mm scale and some of my recent exploits can be seen at
Whilst I am a confirmed "branch line and pannier" adict I love all the hydraulic stuff on here.......a Hymek is already in the planning stage :drool:

Best wishes,

Bob Brown


The hello thread

I must apologise to you both :oops: :oops: as I had forgotten that I had put new users on moderated status after a new user had offered discount viagara :headbang:
Anyway a belated welcome :wave:


Flying Squad
The hello thread

Hi to Adrian and Bob.

Adrian, Tewkesbury is a place that fascinates me railway-wise, I look forward to seeing what interpretation of it you will come up with.

Bob - I really like the work you have done on your new pannier, will you be bringing it along to Camrail next weekend?



Flying Squad
The hello thread

28ten said:
I must apologise to you both [snip]
Anyway a belated welcome :wave:
No problem - I just thought you were keeping the riff-raff out!

Simon said:
Hi to Adrian and Bob.
Adrian, Tewkesbury is a place that fascinates me railway-wise, I look forward to seeing what interpretation of it you will come up with.
It does seem an interesting place, I started off looking at Tewkesbury just because it was a single road shed but at times would host a good half a dozen loco's, including 8f's, black fives, 3F's, 2P's, in addition to various tank loco's, also framed by the maltings and the terraced housing. It would make a good diorama for building loco's. As I dug more into the background of the old Birmingham and Gloucester Station the more intriguing it got, the line running through the streets down to the docks etc. I've just managed to find on Transport Treasury a few photographs of the line over the bridge and into the flour mills on the docks which I don't think have ever been published in any of the articles on the old station or dock branch. If I ever get round to finishing the shed area then I can slowly work section by section down to the docks, however it will be a long term project.



The hello thread

I think I have sorted the posting permissions :headbang:
Tewkesbury has some nice buildings by the docks nit dissimilar to the docks at Gloucester (which isnt suprising) but they have all been gentrified now, but they would make a good backdrop to a model.


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hi Adrian and Bob,

welcome to the throng, look forward to seeing your postings in the not too distant future.



Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

A warm welcome to Adrian & Bob. Looking forward to seeing some output (and pictures!), from you both soon. :)




Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hello to one and all,
Just thought i'd introduce myself as i'm a new member coming back into the sport following a spell away house moving and assisting the wife with the most recent family addition. I fear exisle to Area 51 at an early stage as I model 1950's Steam in the East Riding of Yorkshire. My current project is a scrtach build of a Wordsell J73, I have GA and other drawings, just in the process of sourcing the materials and components I need to make a start. Anyway enough waffle from me im off to lookaround the forum and associated website as it looks the buisness :D

Best regards Mick


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hi Mick and welcome to the forum. Dont worry about being an area 51 addict just remember to post lots of pics of your projects and progress :thumbs: We all like pics on here :thumbs:

Rob :wave:


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Simon said:
Hi to Adrian and Bob.

Adrian, Tewkesbury is a place that fascinates me railway-wise, I look forward to seeing what interpretation of it you will come up with.

Bob - I really like the work you have done on your new pannier, will you be bringing it along to Camrail next weekend?


Hi folks, what a friendly bunch you are :wave:
What a coincidence but I work just along the road from the old Tewkesbury station/loco shed site. It's always facinated me since I saw it in an old issue of Model Railway News (think the article was by Paul Towers but may be wrong). Anyhow, there were some very rare pics in the journal of the Tewkesbury Local History Society showing the frontage of the station building in High Street along with the notch that had to be taken out of the arch in order to clear the chimneys of the early locos :rolleyes: .

Thanks for the kind comments re the pannier, it will be gracing my table at Camrail together with a couple of it's shedmates.

Best wishes to all,


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

HI Mick, welcome both to the forum and Area 51 I too am doing a scratchbuild and model mainly LNER (but the scratch build is from the wrong side of the Pennines but good for developing the skills). I look forward to seeing how you get on as I may have a go at one myself down the line. Will you post where you have obtained the drawing and components etc?



Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Just a note of welcome to Adrian, Bob and "seven-mill-Mick" from me. Looks like there'll be plenty of new projects to keep track of! :thumbs: I've only been a member for a short while, but the guys on this forum keep us smiling and coming back for more... (and they're not short of talent too! - have I been drinking???). Welcome aboard!

Ian A.


The hello thread

Welcome along Mick :wave:
Yes Bob, we are a happy little bunch, hopefully we strike a balance between chat and action :laugh: :laugh: