Western Thunderer
The hello thread
Hello fellow modellers
Just a short introduction of myself and what period i model. My name is Pete and the period i model is the great western 1934 to 1938 in P4 the reason for the 4 year period is that i like manors as they were one of my favorite engines i use to fire and drive on the SVR, the only other engine i enjoyed which is not western is W/Cs and B/Bs .I mentioned this to my friend Dan Randall who has turned me to the dark side (his words not mine :lol: ) so soon i hope to be a proud owner of a Martin Finney B/B kit which i will build to S7. I am most fortunate to have an understanding wife who allowed me to buy and fit out a 24x12 foot home office ( double glazed, timed heating, air con and laminate flooring
) in the back garden for my railway. I hope to post something on Saturday as Dan is coming up to my house where we will then go on to Expo EM but before we set off he will show me how to post on these new fangled machines :vista: . From what i have seen and read on this forum i have been impressed by the standard of modeling and hope that my efforts will match what i have seen here.
Hello fellow modellers
Just a short introduction of myself and what period i model. My name is Pete and the period i model is the great western 1934 to 1938 in P4 the reason for the 4 year period is that i like manors as they were one of my favorite engines i use to fire and drive on the SVR, the only other engine i enjoyed which is not western is W/Cs and B/Bs .I mentioned this to my friend Dan Randall who has turned me to the dark side (his words not mine :lol: ) so soon i hope to be a proud owner of a Martin Finney B/B kit which i will build to S7. I am most fortunate to have an understanding wife who allowed me to buy and fit out a 24x12 foot home office ( double glazed, timed heating, air con and laminate flooring
