Re: The hello thread


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hello fellow modellers
Just a short introduction of myself and what period i model. My name is Pete and the period i model is the great western 1934 to 1938 in P4 the reason for the 4 year period is that i like manors as they were one of my favorite engines i use to fire and drive on the SVR, the only other engine i enjoyed which is not western is W/Cs and B/Bs .I mentioned this to my friend Dan Randall who has turned me to the dark side (his words not mine :lol: ) so soon i hope to be a proud owner of a Martin Finney B/B kit which i will build to S7. I am most fortunate to have an understanding wife who allowed me to buy and fit out a 24x12 foot home office ( double glazed, timed heating, air con and laminate flooring :thumbs: ) in the back garden for my railway. I hope to post something on Saturday as Dan is coming up to my house where we will then go on to Expo EM but before we set off he will show me how to post on these new fangled machines :vista: . From what i have seen and read on this forum i have been impressed by the standard of modeling and hope that my efforts will match what i have seen here.


Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
The hello thread

bogusman said:
I am most fortunate to have an understanding wife who allowed me to buy and fit out a 24x12 foot home office ...
Yeah, yeah... that's what you told her it was.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sounds like a superb Gentleman's Activity Bunker to me though :thumbs: ... far better than the Tin Shed I retreat to... :oops:

Anyway welcome aboard, Pete!! :wave:


Western Thunderer
The hello thread

bogusman said:
Dan Randall who has turned me to the dark side (his words not mine :lol: ) so soon i hope to be a proud owner of a Martin Finney B/B kit which i will build to S7.

You WILL build S7, you WILL build S7! :laugh:

I think Dan should be the new recruitment secretary for the S7 society...



The hello thread

Hello Pete :wave:
Im glad Dan has helped you see sense :laugh: Like you the only thing that makes me turn my head from the (G)WR is the ex L&SWR lines

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hello all, just found this via the GOG site. Some of you may already know I model both 7mm and 00, mostly LNER and a bit of LMS.

I am currently scratch building a Shropshire and Montgomeryshire no2 "Severn" - for no other reason than I fancied a scratchbuild and was kindly passed the plans.
I am on the lookout for plans for my next scratch build but in the 7mm to build pile that will feature at some point are:

DJH A3 corridor tender version
Medley Models W1 Hush Hush - hopefully should arrive via Ebay, tomorrow fingers crossed!!!
MMP LMS glass wagon
Hobby Holidays rectank
and a couple of LMS coaches.
and if that isn't enough my good lady has offered either a Finney V2 or a Laurie Griffin P1 for my birthday later in the year.

Any way enough waffle there's a site to explore! :bowdown:

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Hi Rob :wave: & welcome I hope you find plenty to interest you & post a few of your own projects :thumbs:

Cheers Phill ;)

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Thanks Phill and I will once I work out what goes where - and do a bit more modelling to have something to show of course.

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

marsa69 said:
At last, another 'Northern' fan :bowdown:
psst........... don't tell everyone ;) , but I have a soft spot for the LNER ( my granddad was a driver at Ardsley shed) :D

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

Thanks for the welcome guys.

28ten said:
Hi Rob :wave: Welcome
the rectank sounds interesting :scratch:

I picked it up a Scalefour North after the wife became fascinated with all the springing done properly and it was completely unexpected finding something in 7mm - I went along for some motors and gear boxes to finish some 4mm projects.

It wasn't cheap at ?133 for a wagon kit but it includes wooden deck planks in the form of tongue spatulas (like they use in dentists) all the castings are in nickel as are the etches with ancillary parts like wheels and sprung buffers, coupling hooks from Haywood railway and Slaters. If anyone wants a look I will take some photos and post them.




The hello thread

Some pictures would be nice :D
I have built an MMP tank with working leaf springs, so it is possible!

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
The hello thread

Hi Rob and welcome to the forum :wave:
I've just popped across to have a look at the Hobby Holidays Rectank :eek: Thats a seriously impressive kit, I'd love to see some more photos.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The hello thread

As requested. Hobby Holidays Rectank - this is what you get in the box + a cd with comprehensive instructions and some photo's of the prototype one of which is a great picture showing one with a WWI tank on it.

[attachment=0:t7ppzl98]Hobby Holidays Rectank 002.JPG[/attachment:t7ppzl98]

[attachment=1:t7ppzl98]Hobby Holidays Rectank 001.JPG[/attachment:t7ppzl98]

It will be a bit quiet from me for a couple of weeks as I go on holiday on Saturday. Enjoy!!


  • Hobby Holidays Rectank 001.JPG
    Hobby Holidays Rectank 001.JPG
    103.6 KB · Views: 77
  • Hobby Holidays Rectank 002.JPG
    Hobby Holidays Rectank 002.JPG
    120.3 KB · Views: 77
  • Hobby Holidays Rectank 001.JPG
    Hobby Holidays Rectank 001.JPG
    103.6 KB · Views: 77
  • Hobby Holidays Rectank 002.JPG
    Hobby Holidays Rectank 002.JPG
    120.3 KB · Views: 76


The hello thread

That should be fun to build ! it looks fairly simple but slightly repetitive - you could knock it out in a weekend :lol: :lol: