7mm Rob Pulham's Work Bench - Back (again) to the LNER 06 (MOK 8F)


Western Thunderer
That Rob is a very nice little loco your building there mate. Dont know much about kettles but i can see your a very neat and accurate modeller.:bowdown:. Hope when its built its going into BR BLUE.:))

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
A little more progress last night. The chassis is now painted black.

Follwing on recomendations in the instructions I made a new roof from Nickel sheet and I also took the opportunity to add an inner skin that is scribed to represent the wood strips that many cabs were lined with/made from.

The one on the right is the half etched roof that came with the kit.


This is it fittted.


I also took the opportunity to redo the vacuum ejector pipe that I wasn't satisfied with.


Lastly I cleaned up the smoke box door and fitted the dart - I still need to fit the door itself but I will wait until I am completely happy with all the pipe work.


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Cheers Mike, I will be bringing this and the Y6 along for a run out on the test track - Albeit I am not so sure how complete it will be but I have a bit of time yet:thumbs:

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
A busy weekend has seen the back broken on this build, albeit I still need reassemble the chassis and get it to move under it's own power.

I raided the spares box and my stock of various sizes of brass rod to detail the backhead. I couldn't find any photos of either the J63 or J62 backheads so I have used a combination of bits and pieces of castings, hand rail knobs and square bar. I also made a representation of the vacuum ejector - not perfect by any means but with the enclosed cab I have probably gone overboard with what I have done.






I added the oil can that I knocked up a while ago when I was waiting for some paint or glue to dry.


Today I have concentrated on the condensing pipes and some other pipe work/valves that are quite visible on photos at the sides of the forward sand boxes. Not offered in the kit are the tank vents that a few of these locos had, these were made from brass rod and a rivetted washer. Lastly I added some fire iron holders.

Not having a clear photo that shows the run of the condensing pipes at the firebox end I have had a guess at it. This will no doubt be the point where someone comes along to correct me - I do hope they don't dally as I want to get it painted in the next couple of days...





Tony West

Western Thunderer
A busy weekend has seen the back broken on this build, albeit I still need reassemble the chassis and get it to move under it's own power.

I raided the spares box and my stock of various sizes of brass rod to detail the backhead. I couldn't find any photos of either the J63 or J62 backheads so I have used a combination of bits and pieces of castings, hand rail knobs and square bar. I also made a representation of the vacuum ejector - not perfect by any means but with the enclosed cab I have probably gone overboard with what I have done.






I added the oil can that I knocked up a while ago when I was waiting for some paint or glue to dry.


Today I have concentrated on the condensing pipes and some other pipe work/valves that are quite visible on photos at the sides of the forward sand boxes. Not offered in the kit are the tank vents that a few of these locos had, these were made from brass rod and a rivetted washer. Lastly I added some fire iron holders.

Not having a clear photo that shows the run of the condensing pipes at the firebox end I have had a guess at it. This will no doubt be the point where someone comes along to correct me - I do hope they don't dally as I want to get it painted in the next couple of days...




Rob, have you access to a copy of Great Central vol3 by G. Dow ??....on pages 136/7 there are two photos of no's 60 and 61 ...the ones fitted with condensing pipes...you may wish to take a look !.
Due to copyright I cannot put them on the forum , if you dont have access then please pm me .
As for period cab photos ...like hens teeth...for any GC loco !!.
Cheers Tony

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I like what you are doing to detail the cab.

You will need to add some part of the reversing mechanism to conntect the screw reverse to the reach rod... which I suspect means a vertical lever down the inner face of the water tank with a pivot point somewhere below the cab floor.

regards, Graham

Tony West

Western Thunderer
I like what you are doing to detail the cab.

You will need to add some part of the reversing mechanism to conntect the screw reverse to the reach rod... which I suspect means a vertical lever down the inner face of the water tank with a pivot point somewhere below the cab floor.

regards, Graham
I have a nasty feeling that the reverser set up here should be as per a certain C13 !, based on the fact that every other Robinson designed tank loco had 'that' feature.... a case for blissful ignorance ??.
Cheers Tony.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Cheers guys, I took her along to Halifax and she trundled around the test track for half a dozen laps very nicely. I managed to have quite a chat with Garth Patrick and the MOK connection was revealed. Apparently it was Dave sharp that encouraged Garth to get into producing kits and Dave did the art work for his first kit which was the Clayton Steam Railmotor. I mentioned my desire to back date one and thankfully for the pocket at least he won't have anymore J63 kits ready until next year.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Last night thanks to information kindly supplied by David Green, I remade the condensing pipes giving to my mind a much better representation - I suspect that they may still be a little high but since I subsequently filled the side tanks with lead shot and superglue I will have to live with that because I doubt if they will come out again.

The more observant amongst you may have noticed that the originals were not in line with each other. With the new ones I brought them forward inline with the boiler band to the rear of the dome (where they are shown on the drawing) and filled the original holes with small offcuts of the brass rod that I used for the pipes.




I took some time today (while recovering from 4 hours of pressure washing 3 sections of decking. 2 paths and some garden furniture) to make up some round windows for the front of the loco. These have been soldered fixed but in an open position as per many of the photos of these engines.


While at Halifax on Saturday one of my purchases from CPL was a glass cutting set which consisted of a Tungsten carbide scribe and some microscope cover slips. After trashing several of the cover slips (they are very thin and although I mastered cutting circles from them without breaking them when I tried to contain them within the frane for the windows I broke them) I resorted some 1mm slidesd that I got from Simon Varnham.

And last but not least I painted some detail on the backhead ready for when I fit it.


Now it's a good wash before I paint it tomorrow - unless I think of something else to add......

Tony West

Western Thunderer
Rob , I used the email address you sent !! ( b**tt*n B**c**t*!), anyway I can still send you the photos of No's 60 and 61 if you are still interested, just pm me !.
Cheers Tony.