7mm Rob Pulham's Work Bench - Back (again) to the LNER 06 (MOK 8F)

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Thanks all,

Yes it is a bit clean and weathering is planned. I just need to pluck up courage to do it..... but I do need to add a coat of varnish first.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
After the J63 I promised the wife that I would finish the A3. So I set to and cut out the the centre hornguides and soldered in some etched ones from the spares box. I sprung them with some nickel silver wire.



Sadly as I was soldering parts on more parts were dropping off.....

To make it easier to deal with the horn blocks I removed the centre springs, drilled them and the frames and tapped them 10ba so that the springs could be screwed on. While doing this I managed to snap of one of the hangers which I repaired with some 1mm rod.


After my experiences with the plunger pick ups on the J63 I decided to short out the wheels on one side of the loco and one side of the tender to use the american method of pick up.


To this end I had bought some small plugs from eBay and I made a set up, I made a representation of a hose by winding some soft brass wire around a piece of brass rod this rod was then removed and the wire from the plug passed through. Over the outer part I placed some heat shrink tube and shrunk it. This is for the tender pick up. I plan to solder a hook to the bottom of a paxolin drawbar to support it with the plug hidden under the tender chassis.


Western Thunderer
After my experiences with the plunger pick ups on the J63 I decided to short out the wheels on one side of the loco and one side of the tender to use the american method of pick up.quote]

it's the only way to go Rob - forget plungers altogther - they only get in the way.



Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Rob, I like your approach in using the water bags for the cables... I have thought of doing the same for Merlin... just that I need 6 wires between engine and tender... and there were just five bags on the prototype!

If you have more than one tender engine using the American system of pwer pick-up then what will you do to ensure that the two engines can run double headed? :confused:

regards, Graham

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Hi Graham, the plan is to put a smear of epoxy on the buffers to represent a coat of grease and provide a layer of insulation - or that's the theory:eek:


Western Thunderer
the epoxy trick worked for me Rob - another possibility is to line the underside of the tender bodywith insulating tape.




Flying Squad
It runs nice and quietly. One or two little hesitations (or is that the YouTube compression?) - but nothing that won't ease with a decent run. A few dozen laps on the test track at Telford would do it.


Western Thunderer
I agree with Adrian Rob, nothing a good test run won't sort. Maybe a short brake would help as then you can ponder the issues whilst modelling something else and then come back to it fresh ?

ATB Mick

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The two main issues are that my carefully constructed brake cylinders foul the front bogie and the observant amongst you will have noticed that there are two engineers squares on the tender top this is because it won't run without added weight at that side so I need to balance it up somehow.

Besides that this is a list of what is left to do:
Re fit the brakes
Fit front bogie
secure tender pickup wire - ditto loco pick up wire
Fit Cylinder covers
Fit Buffers
Fit the valve rocker sub assembly - this might be a challenge to solder as it needs to be soldered between two narrow white metal flanges.
Finish backhead and fit
Glaze the cab
Fit Seats
Fit crew
finish painting and add plates.

Some of these require a clear head and concentration which is a bit lacking due to work pressures (long days and weekends) at the moment. So like Mick, I think a distraction with a simple Jim McGeown kit is the order of the day until my current project finishes.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I note that your interesting "by-line" is taking a holiday.... time for smething new and less contentious?

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
time for smething new and less contentious?

The something new and less contentious is this.

I didn't do a photo build as there seems to be many of these being built or just completed - the plan is to finish it as a bright coloured (Blue with red lining :thumbs:) industrial loco and put it up for sale to fund something more LNER or it's constituents in origin. Although having sen Richard's Aspinal I am more than tempted by one of those......