Steph Dale
Western Thunderer
Aah, we have a winner...South Eastern & Chatham
Aah, we have a winner...South Eastern & Chatham
Don't know why I recognised it, just stuck in the old grey matter somewhere, not the normal type panelling.Aah, we have a winner...
This suggests that you might adopt a silhouette of a railway cameo as a business logo.The new machine ... uses a blade which follows a prescribed path to cut out the part and generally can't be used on metals.
Rob ,Are Bullied coach sides possible in 1/32nd? cheers Rob
Jon,7mm scale SECR coaches that were exported to the IOW would be nice Steph......ooh and parts to make up the modular LNWR wooden station buildings...and L&Y ones too!
Jon F.
Ah, I wondered why I couldn't get any SECR coaches for my 02 to pull. I've built 4 of the Gibson LBSCR ones but the IOW rakes always seem to have a mix of both. I'm a regular visitor to the IOW and an occasional volunteer in the C&W dept of the IOW steam railway so I can take some pics of the survivors. Sadly all the SECR bogie stock there is out of traffic at the moment due to massive chassis corrosion...Rob ,
Yep, and I have the info to hand. A conversion of the G1 Mk1 stock is perhaps what you have in mind?
The former, certainly. Both Jenkinson's techniques and this machine lend themselves to productions of 1off examples. Recognising that there was a lot of Island stock that was modified from that on the mainland it's a great way to produce these sorts of items. In fact any SECR stock seems natural as most was produced in relatively small batches so has limited appeal; one reason why SECR corridor stock is not currently available. It all depends on what info we can get together.
The buildings I'd need to have a think about as I'm not terribly familiar with either of the types you mention.
The CNC might be worthwhile for the quads/quints...!
What sort of money are you looking at for a 'side' ? And what Kim of artwork do you need?