Thanks Mick.The last two photos are the same light engine movements, a pair of A4's and they're facing the right way and have not been turned, they've come from Top shed and taken the long way around to gain access to platforms 1-6.
The other three shots are interesting and not turned as yet, they look to be heading along the up goods which will cross over all the lines to join the down goods and gain access to Top Shed that way. But why the WD, it almost certainly didn't arrive at Kings X but at Goods & Mineral, which is right next to Top Shed. So why go all this way to gain access to it unless there's a critical cross over out of action, thus forcing all engines to take the long way around instead of the usual Belle Isle entry/exit from Top Shed.
The other three shots are interesting and not turned as yet, they look to be heading along the up goods which will cross over all the lines to join the down goods and gain access to Top Shed that way. But why the WD, it almost certainly didn't arrive at Kings X but at Goods & Mineral, which is right next to Top Shed. So why go all this way to gain access to it unless there's a critical cross over out of action, thus forcing all engines to take the long way around instead of the usual Belle Isle entry/exit from Top Shed.
However I remain confused by the others. Why would they be heading for Kings Cross which they clearly are without turning? We saw them heading for Hornsey in post #2152 - they seem to have just crossed over to the up lines and decided to go back which is very unlikely.
As for the WD I must admit that I'd made the assumption that he'd been at Goods and Mineral and simply joined the party.
Thanks Dave and Mick for further and better suggestions about the light engine sequence. I've gone back to Tim's original notes and the sequence is: 90439 light engine Neg 21 img1785, 90439/60854/60523 (down) light Neg 22/23 (very similar so only neg 23 posted) img1786/1787, 60025 light down (we believe coupled to 60006) neg 24 img1788, 60523 light up neg 25 img1789, 60006 & 60025 light up neg 26 & 27 so some confusion here as there's only the one of the two locos coupled) img1791, 60006 & 60025 light up neg 28 img1774, 60533 light down to Hornsey to turn neg 29 img1775, 90439/60854/60533 locos to Hornsey & return to turn neg 30 img1776, 60006 4.21 Peterboro neg 31 img1777, 60523 light (down) to Hornsey to turn neg 32 img1778, 60025 4.35 Newcastle neg 33 img1779.
I've just noticed that there's a record on the notes of 90439 light up, Holloway Rd, on the same film but much earlier, as neg no 8. Its img1796 which I've yet just posted.
I can't easily get to the original negs right now and as we know sometimes Tim's notes are out of order. There's also a likelihood of a transcription error by me. Also there may be only one A2, 60523 or 60533 rather than the two Tim has noted. In fact on re-interpreting the notes I believe quite strongly these are all 60523.
When I have the opportunity I'll liberate the negs and ensure that they match the data and images.
While those of us concerned about such things sort out the sequence of the last few posts here are some more hopefully straightforward, ECML photos.
I think that no apology to WT-ers is necessary, getting the facts recorded accurately - by getting the ducks in a row - is crucial for future historians.... if I suggested that the research in to how things went on that 27th March were in any way nerdy or of limited interest I apologise.
Do not count me in that qualification. Come to think of it, I hear no deafening / see no visible complaint about the comments so far.... I really mean that our interest in working this through may be of limited interest to others..
Going back to the 80’s and working at Kings Cross, I have a vague recollection of being told that new cars were delivered onto that Holloway Road platform.
The platform was at A in this picture![]()
In this picture the circled building at that time,(an old tram depot I believe) always had large ‘Ford’ branding facing the railway. It’s possible that the two are connected in that new cars were delivered onto that platform, and then subsequently moved into the tram shed for preparation and distribution to London area dealerships.
Dave - if I suggested that the research in to how things went on that 27th March were in any way nerdy or of limited interest I apologise. I really mean that our interest in working this through may be of limited interest to others but is important and fascinating to some of us - certainly me included. I'll look those negs out and confirm the sequence including trains before the light engines we've picked up on. There are a few light engines quite early in the sequence which may start to illuminate what's going on.
I'll be back shortly!
Third and final tranche. Note that on img1776 Tim records the A2 as 6053. I interpreted this to be 60533 but I might be wrong - it could well be 60523.