A busy morning... after finally taking the plunge and started weathering I have to confess that I rather enjoyed ruining all my previous hard work in achieving a pristine spray finish
First lamb to the slaughter, the bogie side frames. As I mentioned earlier it seems that the bogies became darker and oilier in appearance the further inboard of the loco that you got. Anyway here's what I've achieved:
Then time to start the boiler water tank, I think this pic was taken after the first stage of weathering applying a thinned coat to 'taint' most of the tank:
With that lot drying I made a start at assembling the underframe components again, hoping that my efforts at weathering once altogether might look ok. Bogie No 1 went together well, except I really need to give the wheels a quick whizz over with some underframe dirt or something like that as they now stand out like the proverbial thumb!!
On my last build, and in fact during this one, I wondered why on earth JLTRT provide long machine screws for fixing the bogie pivot plate. Yes the long screws stop the main fixing from dropping out once in place but getting into this once assembled to tighten the bogie bolt up is impossible. So I bought some shorter machine screws:
Right, that's enough of my waffling. Here's what it all looks like together:
Once the body has dried solid I shall get on with replacing all the handrails (there's loads too
) and make a start on getting a few coats of varnish on it prior to decals.