That small sample takes nearly x10 in time. I'll have a go at a small building but unless money is no object I can't see many people commissioning kits!
Yes Phil, that is quite true and I was afraid you would say that!
I can dream, and ever live in hope of resolutions?
It's loosely based on GWR but reduced in size to a single loco. The real deal would be more than twice the length and multiple roads wide.That engine shed looks great Phil. Can you enlighten me as to the prototype for this design?
Paint job looks great, just thinking would the box have been built in English bond rather than Flemish bond?
I'm really looking forward to the curved brick work....
The Southern Deco style is looks quite complex, on the surface. It's interesting to note how it breaks down to simpler forms.
I am a sucker for Art Deco and "moderne".
Have you seen this volume?
Southern Railway details
I had a chance to thumb through a friend's copy the other day.