I seem to have the same sort of masochistic tendencies as you in spending ages modelling bits most people won't see and even fewer really care about.
I am taking that as a compliment.

I now recall why I have been putting off this stage of the construction. The kit provides for a standard vacuum brake system, with "over-the-top" pull rods into the bogie. I am complicating matters by adding in air braking gear.
Craving David's indulgence for reproducing part of the instructions here, but it helps to explain what I think I am trying to do.
First, take note of parts 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53. This assembly lives up in between the main frames. 50/51 are connected to 45, which is on the brake cross shaft. 50/51 form the actuating lever attached to the pull rod into the bogie. Parts 52 and 53 - I am pretty certain - are not wanted on this build, along with 54, 55 and 56, because they are the hand brake linkage for brake coaches.
With me so far? Good.
Now, let's look at Bob's 3D rendering, which I have inverted so it avoids me having to flipflop things in my head all the time.
Am I right in thinking the entire sub-assembly formed of parts 48-53 is not needed? If I have it right, the cross shaft lever (parts 45) is attached to the SAB, which is attached to the pull rod. I need to repurpose some of the unused parts to give me the air brake actuating lever, and provide a crossbeam for the air brake cylinder to sit on.
Having typed all this out, it is making much more sense. I would appreciate confirmation though. Bob?
Here's all the parts for one set of brake gear, including the parts I don't think I actually need for the dual braked combo.
I was sceptical about being able to bend the castings, but they are exactly as advertised. I just took my time and bent the DA valve connection pipe slowly in stages, and it was easy!