Brushs Laser Cutting and 3d Printing workbench


Western Thunderer
While I think about how I'm going to do the mouldings I thought I'd sort out a rolling road cum fiddle yard cassette;

Parts list
MDF £2
Aluminium angle £10 for 2m
Rolling Road stands £50-£60
Double sided tape £1 per reel
2 x Electrical connecters £2 per pair


Step 1. Measure up the aluminium angle width, multiply by 2 and add 32/33 mm depending on finescale or S7. I've set mine to 33mm and I find that most of my finescale stock runs through it fine. This is the width your MDF needs to be cut too.

Step 2. Cut the MDF to the length and width required. I've gone for 100cm length as this will mean my cassette will hold a DMU and a SPV parcel wagon.

Step 3. Cut some grooves so that the rolling road can slide along the MDF. You can do this by running a circular saw through. No need to get the router out.

Step 4. Stick the double sided tape to the back of the aluminium and stick down on the the MDF.
Use a track gauge to make sure this is to the correct width.

Step 5. Double check that the rolling road and stock will run through.

Step 6. Drill and connect the electrical connectors at both ends. These hold the aluminium angle permanently in place.Before Drilling double check there is clearance for the rolling stock.

Step 7. Check everything works and you are nearly done.

Finally sit back and relax..

Rolling road cum fiddle yard cassette; £15 without rolling road. £65 - £75 with.

Special thanks to the West Mersea S7 club and Peter Hunt for the use of the facilities.


Western Thunderer
While I think about how I'm going to do the mouldings I thought I'd sort out a rolling road cum fiddle yard cassette;

Parts list
MDF £2
Aluminium angle £10 for 2m
Rolling Road stands £50-£60
Double sided tape £1 per reel
2 x Electrical connecters £2 per pair..................................................

You forgot the wine, how much....:D Hic!
Like your design for the cassettes Phil something that needs sorting at the WMR for running days.:thumbs:

ATB, Col.

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
Like it! Rather neater than my version, although mine was just for use with the saddles rather than as a cassette as well.
Mindyou, doesn't the price of extruded aluminium make your eyes water...??? :confused:


Western Thunderer
a very simple solution and with a dual purpose - very good Phil. Can't quite make out the rolling road manufacturer - can you supply any details please?




Western Thunderer
Thanks Mike, it's a Bachrus rolling road.

They are good, but one word of caution is as the manufacturer is US based, they are built to US track standards which means that they don't fit on C&L track very well because of the chairs. Jordan will confirm but I understand that US track is pinned and so does not have chairs.

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Thanks Mike, it's a Bachrus rolling road.

They are good, but one word of caution is as the manufacturer is US based, they are built to US track standards which means that they don't fit on C&L track very well because of the chairs. Jordan will confirm but I understand that US track is pinned and so does not have chairs.


I think they're Canadian actually, you're right about the track standards though - the rollers are designed for use with high-rail (3-rail) systems. I've got mine working on 0 f/s track by taking a file to the bottoms of the cast aluminium cheeks.

To be honest they're good, but I think I'd be going for a De Locloods one these days - I've got one for my Ho stuff and it's superb.



Western Thunderer
Thank you for your likes and kind comments on the rolling road cum fiddle yard cassette.

Even though I was at Kettering most of the day, I was up early this morning working on something else. Not sure about the rest of you but SWMBO has very strict rules on my model making and trains taking over the house. The wagons and rolling stock I have had in the study have got to be put away out of sight and all model making as been relegated to the garage :(

So what to do? I think I've reached a compromise position by building my own small display plinth that matches the decor in the hope I can sneak it in the house somewhere.

Its an oak trimmed MDF base with 4mm glass for the top. The oak trim was cut and PVA to the MDF. Lightly tacked and countersunk to hold in place. No need to fill the holes as adds to the character. You could easy add a little PVA to the holes and a light sanding will put the correct colour dust and make them invisible. The oak will be wiped over with some teak oil just to give it a nice finish. I measured and had the glass cut professionally and I'll stick the glass together with a clear silicone.

The glass is held together with tape just now and I'll silicone all together tomorrow. Its just under a metre long and 110mm wide by 130mm tall.

Hope you like, but do let me know what you think. Good or bad?

Special thanks to Peter Hunt for the use of his facilities.


Those blue square bits ruin it :)) you want to get a soldering iron and some aerosol on that table though :cool:Seriously, it looks good, cant beat a bit of domestic harmony


OC Blue Brigade
Phil ever thought about a divorce, No seriously they look good ever thought of being a diplomat:))


Western Thunderer
another simple solution and food for thought as well, I can feel another trip to the local hardwood timber merchant coming on (called in last week for more pieces of American oak for SWMBO's alcove bookshelves - hence the brownie points to go to Kettering and to be allowed to spend some money as well:thumbs: )




Western Thunderer
Neat - and the glass case will keep the dust off - but there probably isn't any dust in your house by the sounds of it!!



Flying Squad
We had a table that looked like that once...then the kids beat merry hell out of it with the cutlery. The eldest one called it 'patina' and I got the blame for teaching him such words...;)


Western Thunderer
Not blessed with the patter of little feet just yet, I don't think the dog counts. That table is 15 years old BTW, still as fresh as it was the day it was delivered. The gallons of teak oil over the years has helped I'm sure. Just don't smoke near the house...

I've been given miles of memory wire, not sure what to do with yet. What do you use it for?


Western Thunderer
Hey, not been able to do much modelling due to work. Have had to put in a couple of 4 day working weeks!!!

So, those of you that know me will know that SWMBO does not really like train items around the house so I think I've been sneaky this week.

We needed a new house number. Do you think I'll get away with it ??IMG_0620.jpgIMG_0622.jpg


Western Thunderer
Shouldn't you have painted that yellow, or would that have given the game away :D

When we get our own house, it's going to be called Great Rocks, my other half just doesn't know it yet! She'll probably find out when the nameplate turns up...