A Trotec. Nice. We use a Speedy 500. Consistently great results. Which lens do you have and how are you extracting from it? Direct to atmosphere or filter unit?
Look forward to seeing more excellent results. Really great work, considered at every level.

The Speedy 500 will almost certainly be my next machine alongside the 400flexx. Maybe in a couple of years once I've earn't some money and paid off this first machine. What really sold it to me is the software. Its lightyears ahead of the software than comes with HPC and other Chinese based machines. Its so easy to use and setup. I can even use my phone to control the laser!
I've the Atmos filter unit but the filters are eye wateringly expensive so I'm using a direct to atmosphere unit. I have substituted a roof tile for a moulded chimney type. So from the outside its invisible until the smoke starts pouring out!
What I like about the speedy is the number of extraction points, the 400 has three including both from under the bed and above so the machine is smoke free. As soon as a job finishes, it is smokeless. I think if I had a vacuum plate, the suction from below creates the vacuum to hold the work down. I looked into getting the Trotec vacuum plate, but it seems a lot of money. I think I can get a local engineering firm to fabricate one for half the price and to my own requirements. Fewer holes so I can hold down smaller sheets is what I had in mind.
I've several lens but I'm using the 2inch lens for my building work. I need to swap it for when I use the flexx to a 2.85 gold lens. It will do both co2 and the flexx but I prefer the 2inch co2 lens for detail work.
What do you make with yours?