Love the terrace. It’s so evocative of the last mile or two into so many town stations. Particularly the backs.
It’s not clear (to me, at least

whether you have the internal wall that separates the 2-up & 2-down, and which would provide the visual block to stop one seeing right through.
It might be worth making sure there’s space for it at least. Of course you could go the whole hog and include internal walls and doorways, which adds something if internal lighting is fitted.
I don’t know how easy it would be to add brick pattern to the top few mm of the party walls - that would allow for terraces on a sloping street. Given the roof is rebated in here, perhaps an add-on upside-down “v” with brick pattern. I guess a whole brick-patterned gable wall too?
And chimneys, of course.
Hope the suggestions are helpful & you have a great show,