Been bit of a while since I've posted so a little update.
I've had a Bachmann 08 laying around for a while and I recently purchased the MMP 08 detailing kit with the intention of doing the best I could with it and converting to S7 while I had it in bits. Amongst my Telford purchases I also got a SWD 08 sound chip to go in this as well.
Bachmann wheels profiled to S7 by Eastside Pilot.
A little problem that the increased width meant that the wheels had very little side play. This required the side frames to be removed and move out. These will be spaced at 40mm which is a little over width, but will I hope not be noticeable. Importantly it will allow for a little side play.
So out with the club RSU and several choice words and the further help of Col, we got the sides off.
More soon.