Is it the same as the one from Tony's or QSI? If so I think you'll find it works very well! I'll be interested to see how your smokebox fit works, I tend to go for the rear tubeplate so the sound comes out through the firebox and exits under the chassis. This gives really good acoustic coupling and allows much of the boiler tube to act as the resonance chamber; clean, dynamic response.
In my experience the so-called 'high bass' speakers' great advantage is that they're not as susceptible to a small resonance chamber; this might be an advantage with a smokebox fit.
I hope you're not looking to get sound out of chimney, that really doesn't work as it effectively turns the speaker in to a horn-driver; the chimney area is small so it'll act as a high-pass filter and also be highly directional.
I'll be very interested to see how you fit the speaker and know how well it works.