7mm The Derby Line - Rolling Stock


Western Thunderer
Too many other house and garden jobs - but as the weather is so crap, I've managed the odd hour to get the inside motion fitted. It's a bit scruffy, so I need to clean up some more. The weighshaft and the bearings are tapped so it will be held in place with grub screws so that the motion can be taken out. The arm to the reversing rod is between the bearing and the frames - that will go in later. I'm assuming forward gear is when the valve rod is using the lower part of the expansion link.. Some of it is quite representational, the casting that includes the valve guides is a lot more complex in real life. That horrible screw for the pony truck will go, I mounted the nut underneath the stretcher, so the screw will go in from underneath.

Now the brake gear is fitted, the section under the motion is fixed in place with grub screws to allow the inside motion to be fitted/removed... I replaced some of the white metal brake fitting with home made fabrications. The cylinders are glued on, but the valve chest is held in place with screws... I like to be able to take things apart!

I seem to be going to a lot of trouble for what will be just a working loco on the layout, but I enjoy the challenge of adding as much practical detail as I can..


Western Thunderer
I'm pretty sure forward gear uses the top portion of the expansion links (Handbook for Locomotive Engine-men). Sorry.

Can't comment on this particular sub-class, but what you say Dave is true if the gear is "Open rods" (ie increasing lead towards mid-gear) but the opposite is true if it is "Crossed rods" (ie decreasing lead towards mid-gear). Almost all locos used open rods as increasing lead at higher speeds - ie at shorter cut-offs - has significant benefits. But then Gorton did not know a lot about valve gear design which is why (eg) the Black Pigs burnt so much coal!

Great work tony!

Best wishes,

PS just found the drawing ... yes the top rod is fore gear.


Western Thunderer
I finally got to fit out the frames with the inside and outside motion for 63859. Getting the coupling rods to work was a faff, I needed washers everywhere. The loco is now almost complete..just have to make it go now...

The inside bit was relatively easy

I just have to work out how to add pick ups now...


Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
I fully sympathise, pickups are a pain.
How about wipers on top of the wheels, inside the splashers? You might have to attach some copper-clad mounting pads inside the top of the frames, hopefully not visible from the outside.
Just a minor point. I believe frames were only painted red in front of the firebox. (According to the official BR painting spec., the insides should be black, but I'm not sure the works complied with that.)


Western Thunderer
Stick the pickups on the tender?

I try to do that as well as on a few loco axles, but it’s fine to ignore the loco from a pick-up point of view

(unless you’re using fancy DCC controlled automatic signal stops which may lead to the loco spadding..)


Western Thunderer
Thanks Dave - yes you are right. I don't know why I did it like that...

I alway fit tender pick ups as a matter of course, wipers inside the splashers is a good idea, I shall have a tinker with that later today...
