Roof progress…. Along with the office & fitters’ shop, the lobby and the porch.
some bargeboards & rainwater goods now required on the offices, and I want to fit some lights too.
I’m not in the mood today, but I must get the CAD finished for the etches for the hinges and walkways, and then I can fit the smokestacks.
I took Chris’ suggestion of using contact glue “wet” to put the slates on, with the aid of three friends, this was achieved remarkably quickly. I also grafted in an extra slate width down the edge at the back
this is impossible to see from normal angles, but can be photographed…
unlike “little Ern” you can see the join, but I’m pretty happy with that. The slight gap on the front edge (to the right) is less satisfactory, but I have a Baldrick-worthy cunning plan.
Conclusion. This approach to making slated roofs works, and I’m very pleased with the overall results, but you have to assume they will shrink, (about one to two millimetres in over a metre) and allow for that in the design. Ideally fit the bargeboards last.
and I fitted desk tops and gave the furniture a blast of rattle can.
they look much darker in reality than in the photo, certainly good enough for “through the windows” viewing. I’ll decorate a few desks (blotters, typewriters, etc) and laser up some chairs for fun.