all I need to find out is if 69808 had one!
I trust you are going to replicate that wonderfully wonky handrail?Came across this photo of 69808. Are you going to model the kink in the front valance or have ACE done that for you...?
Looking at the bunker there appears to be a seam halfway down, however on enlargement it appears to be a mark on the slide.
Another photo of 69808 here and here - again, looking at the handrail it appears you could build the kit from the box without any modification.
(apologies if you already have copies of these).
Against my better judgment an Ace A5 kit arrived in the post. It met expectations... Roughly packed, bent, inaccurate fingerprinted etchings.
Brilliant! That answers the question about the bunker back.
your experience was put to good effect on my workbench too!I didn't get the saw right against the back of the wheel Simon, so there was still some axle in place. There was a hole in my block of wood to accomodate the remaining stub whilst I drilled...
Obviously a graduate from the Nick Dunhill school , how many holes can i drill in a piece of wood .1264 failed on Tuesdays runing session, so a 4F stood in for it. The loco was tight on one of the 6' radius curves, so I needed more play on the rear drivers. For the first time I was unable to remove the axle screw, so I used a piercing saw to cut off the axle behind the wheel . Once free, I was able to carefully drill out the screw...
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My limited experience with an Ace kit is that it was a hindrance to scratch building.Good luck with your assisted scratch build.